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Pennsylvania is taking full advantage of its many miles of unused rail lines to build a network of rail trails. We particularly like the oil heritage area in northwestern Pennsylvania along the Allegheny River, but also need to return to visit more sections of the Great Allegheny Passage, Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, and Pine Creek Rail Trail. See links below for more details:
This area of northwestern Pennsylvania through the Allegheny Valley - dubbed "the Valley that Changed the World" - is recognized as both a Pennslvania State-designated Heritage Area, and a Federal National Heritage Area. It was here in 1859 that Edwin Drake drilled the first commercial oil well, an event that changed history. The Allegheny River and railroads built to support the industry were key; these rail-trails help preserve that heritage. The stunning scenery and historic artifacts make this a unique and memorable biking destination.
Related Resources:
State of
Pennsylvania - Explore Pennsylvania Trails
Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources - Biking in Pennsylvania State Parks
Oil Region Heritage:
Allegheny Valley Trails Association
Oil Region Alliance
Heritage PA - Oil Region National Heritage Area
National Parks Service
- Oil Region National Heritage Area
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