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Pine Creek Rail Trail
Reported: May 2015
The trail runs on an old Jersey Shore, Pine Creek & Buffalo Railroad roadbed for 62 miles including 47 through Pine Creek Gorge - Pennsylvania's Grand Canyon. This is one of the most beautiful trails we've seen. The easy grade (no more than 2%) and crushed stone surface are an easy ride. Many access points, parking and facilities along the trail (along routes 414 and 44), views of the gorge, creek, waterfalls. Hiking, camping, fishing, horseback riding, and whitewater rafting are other activities. No wi-fi or cellphone service along the trail through the gorge. (Detailed map and photos below.)
Location: Wellsboro Junction to Jersey Shore, Lycoming and Tioga Counties, Pennsylvania (See map)
Distance: 62 miles
Surface: Hard-packed gravel
Bike Shops/Rentals:
Creek Outfitters
(Wellsboro; rentals, shuttle)
Northern terminus is at Wellsboro Junction in Stokesdale, at the Butler Road access. Parking, port-a-pottie.
This is a popular area to start from. Use the shuttle service and bike 16 miles to the pick-up up at Blackwell (McCullough Access). Parking, restrooms.
State-run campground, free. Parking, restrooms, camping, picnicking, launch. We rode from the campground north to Turkey Path Trail. It's a long, winding road to drive to the campground. At end of the road, turn right past some houses. Then staying to the left, go about 1/4 mile to the campground parking area. Equestrians allowed between Ansonia and Tiadaghton. Turkey Path is a steep climb 1 mile up to the overlook at Leonard Harrison State Park.
We rode north from McCullough Access to Tiadaghton Campground. The access point has parking, restrooms, a launch and fishing. From the parking area it's a short ride on the road to the trail. Benches and rest areas provided along the trail.
Parking, restrooms. It got its name for a reason, watch for rattlesnakes around the large rocks! Popular as a drop-off for paddling and biking shuttle services.
Parking, launch, fishing. The General Store has food, beverage, gas, shopping. Great deli sandwich.
Trail parking and a launch. The trail crosses the road here and runs alongside the road for a short distance.
Trail parking, no water access.
Parking, restrooms, rail exhibit. Shops and restaurants nearby. An extension runs along the railroad track from the trailhead to Main Street.
Pine Creek Gorge is located in Tioga State Forest, 1,450 feet at its deepest point. From the 1800's and into the early 1900's the lumber industry stripped the gorge of trees, resulting in fires, floods and loss of wildlife. The lumber industry ending, in the 1930's the CCC planted over 1 million trees for reforestation. Today, the area is protected as a State Natural Area.
More Biking:
Bike-Pennsylvania - More bike
trails and information about biking in Pennsylvania
Related Resources:
Potter/Tioga Visitors Bureau - Pine Creek Rail Trail
Pine Creek Valley - Pine Creek Rail Trail
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