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Cumberland Valley Rail Trail
Latest update: June 2018
The Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, a designated National Recreation Trail runs along an abandoned Cumberland Valley Railroad corridor about 13 miles between Newville and Shippensburg, PA. A two-mile section past Newville and one-mile segment completed at Carlisle are part of the trail extension - eventually it will run continuously to Carlisle, totaling 22 miles. The trail mostly runs through open farmland, with some shaded woodland sections. Flat, the crushed stone surface is an easy ride for most bike types. Equestrians share the trail. Interpretive signs along the way describe agricultural and Civil War history of the area. (Detailed map and photos below.)
Location: Newville to Shippensburg, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
(See map)
Distance: 13 miles, plus one mile section at
Surface: Crushed stone, grass; paved sections at
Shippensburg and Newville.
Support and Advocacy:
Valley Rails to Trails Council
Bike Shops/Rentals:
Merv's Bike Shop (Shippensburg;
rentals, sales, service)
From Newville, we biked a portion of the extension toward Carlisle, and then on the trail between Newville and Oakville.
We biked the section between Shippensburg Township Park and Shippensburg Station, passing Shippensburg University, then from the Township Park toward Oakville. The trail is a popular biking option for Shippensburg University students.
More Biking:
Bike-Pennsylvania - More bike
trails and information about biking in Pennsylvania
Related Resources:
Cumberland Valley Rails to Trails
Council - Cumberland Valley Rail Trail
Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau - Cumberland Valley Rail Trail
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